Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic planning and system implementation Coursework

Strategic planning and system implementation - Coursework Example They achieve this in collaboration with warehouses where they can store their raw products. They also seek for raw material suppliers. In health care SCMs these include drug manufacturers and equipment manufacturers e.g. Bayer and St. Jude. Wholesalers and distributors buy goods/services from the manufacturer in bulk and sell them to end users e.g. health care facilities and retailers. They are also involved in the marketing and delivering of products. Retailers are the link between customers and the suppliers. These include chemists, pharmacies and other health care retailers. They actively seek to know customer needs, document and respond to customer requests e.g. an order for bandages and syringes. Hence, there is flow of information, funds, goods and services along the entire chain. Insurance companies also play a key role by providing insurance cover for health care facilities and practitioners. Moreover, policy and regulations entities are involved in the regulation of standards in the health care sector hence becoming part of SCMs (Uzsoy, 2005). Doctors, nurses and other health care workers are tasked with the responsibility of providing information to the department of procurement and supplies. Lists of all needed tools and services are prepared and delivered to the procurements department which undertakes research and identifies potential suppliers having the needed services or goods. Comparison is undertaken based on quality, pricing and excellent service history. The findings are presented to the health care workers and finance department. This ensures they can make informed decisions that are cost effective (Uzsoy, 2005). SCMs if utilized effectively add competitive edge to the health care facilities that employ them. They aid in reduction of redundancies hence reducing costs. In addition, they allow for better planning hence better service delivery to their customers. This translates to higher customer satisfaction

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