Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Information And Communication Technology Management †Free Samples

Questions: 1.Describe and discuss what cultural issues may impact on you as an ICT professional if your organisation merges with another. Try to think deeply about some of the possible impacts on you and your career path that could result from an organisation merger or restructure. 2.From your readings this week, especially in Part 3 of this week's seminar, which framework are you going to use to analyse the scenarios in Assignment 1? Choose either MacDonald or White. Provide reasons to support why have you chosen this one. 3.You are faced with a situation you feel may be unethical. How would you set about analysing the situation? Think carefully about the ethical analysis process, not the potential ethical dilemma. That is to say, try not to get caught up in developing and describing a scenario that is unethical. Rather, your focus is on the procedural aspect of dealing with a situation you feel may be unethical. 4.Where you are working in your internship, locate your company's Values statement or Code of Ethics, and ask your supervisor if you can either link to it from the company website in the discussion forum or reproduce it in the forum. If your supervisor refuses permission, or there is no Values statement or Code of Ethics, prepare one for their use based on the reading you have done. You might model it on one you have come across. If you need, look at the Western Australia Public Sector Code of Ethics as a guide. Answers: 1. Company mergers are termed as unifying of the business prospects between two different companies to create a single entity that will have the power to rule among all the employees associated with the individual companies. This is mainly done for the sharing of resources and to get more business revenue. They are also done sometimes when one company is unable to do business while the other takes charge making it their own. There are many cultural issues that may arise due to the merger between two organizations (Ford and Richardson 2013). The first issue that will arise is the cross-cultural issues of doing work that will affect the way of doing work. In addition, the major issues in the aspect of ICT are the security and privacy. Due to the merger between two organizations, the profiles of an employee can be directly accessible by the other organization. This in term increases uneasiness in the employee. 2. The case of conflict of interest, the accepted methodology is considered the McDonald framework. The McDonald framework for ethical management is an efficient methodology for solving ethics related problems. As Hardeep is involved with an ethical dilemma of whether choosing his friends motives above the company, the need for this framework is required. The first step in this framework involves the collection of information and identification of the problem. This is used for analysis of the problem. The next step is the inclusion of alternatives in the solutions. These are then used to address the business. The third step involves identification of moral issues and other factors in cases of the alternatives (Leipziger 2017). The fourth step involves implementation of the solutions so that the best scenario can be taken. The last step involved is the decision making process which is extremely crucial for a conclusion. 3. The 3 step ethical process involves the first step being gathering of the data, the second step being defining the issues and the third step being the application of problem solving process. The first step is the gathering of information for information analysis (Resolving an Ethical Dilemma, 2017). This process is usually implemented by various research methods like surveys or questionnaires. In addition, the report analysis is another way for getting information regarding an unethical issues being done. The major data to be collected involves knowing the parameters like who will be affected the most and the what types of solutions can be applied to lessen that. In addition, this section is also used to know the impact of the solution to other stakeholders associated. Furthermore, the ethical consideration should also include the effects on the long-run implementation of the applied alternative. 4. The use of the various ethical codes is required for better addressing the ethics related section of a company (Schwartz 2013). If the higher authorities do not abide by the use of a code for ethics, it is the need to create one. The standards to be integrated include various steps which are as follows: Personal integrity: This section of the code is used for taking diligence and care in applying decisions so that the undertaken decisions are meant to be honest and fair. Relationship: The company will treat people with courtesy and respect to comply with the business standards. Accountability: The use of the company resources is to be used in an efficient and responsible way for affecting the business in hand or other financial and natural resources. References: Ford, R.C. and Richardson, W.D., 2013. Ethical decision making: A review of the empirical literature. InCitation classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 19-44). Springer Netherlands. Leipziger, D., 2017.The corporate responsibility code book. Routledge. Resolving an Ethical Dilemma. (2017). [ebook] Thomas I. White. Available at: [Accessed 31 Oct. 2017]. Schwartz, M.S., 2013. Developing and sustaining an ethical corporate culture: The core elements.Business Horizons,56(1), pp.39-50.

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