Sunday, January 5, 2020

Essay on Law Breakers The Cost of Illegal Immigrants

The United States began its life a wild untamed land; due to the strong work ethic and perseverance of immigrants it has become the country we see today. But in this vast amount of time between the immigrants of 21st century and those of the past what has changed the effects people see immigrants as having. The Native Americans in the 1800s saw people immigrating to their lands as unnecessary pest and not people who would one day help the country grow and thrive. Just as today many Americans view illegal immigrants, people who come into a country illegally without proper documentation, as burdens on the country not realizing for every negative they offer they also have a positive. Also, many do not realize that no American other than†¦show more content†¦If the American people were more interested in having a job and not worrying about the field of work more people would have applied for the farm hand positions. In the United States ones field of work determines both th eir social class and socioeconomic status. Everyone wants to be of hire class or at least middle class and live a comfortable life but everyone does not have the monetary ability to do so. People see the ones who work these unskilled jobs as lesser than or the indigent. Also these jobs have competition for gaining American employees with unemployment payments that many receive. The average American working one of these types of jobs would make approximately $7.25 an hour the Federal Minimum wage rate whereas receiving unemployment payments they could make somewhere between 300 and 900 dollars a month (Meisner and Lemmon). Illegal immigrants help increase the Gross Domestic Product of the United States. The Gross Domestic Product or GDP determines the status of a country and its wealth. 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